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Maulana Rumi: The Sufi Mystic

Writer's picture: ayeshashfaq13ayeshashfaq13

Updated: Jun 18, 2023

Mausoleum of Maulana Rumi the sufi mystic poet in Konya Turkey
Mausoleum of Rumi in Konya ,Turkey. Creative Calligraphy image rights


Rumi, the Sufi poets from the 13th century , is one of the most famous poets in the world. He was born to Persian parents in Balkh, a city in today’s Afghanistan, and his name was Mohammad Jalaluddin Rumi. His poetry is still popular today and he is often referred to as “the poet of the soul”.

Rumi was born in 1207 CE in Balkh, Afghanistan. He lived during a time of great political and social change in the region, which saw the Mongol Empire expand from China into Central Asia and India. He wrote in Persian, and his poetry helped spread Sufism throughout the world.

Rumi was born to a family of Muslim clerics in Balkh, a village in the Persian Empire.

Tomb of Sufi mystic Poet Maulana Rumi in Konya, Turkey
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Mevlana Jelal ud din's father Baha ud din Walad was a noted mystical theology teacher, and author. Because of either a dispute with a ruler on the threat of approaching Mongols, his father and his family left their native town of bulk about 1218. According to a legend they reached Nishapur, in Iran the family met Farid ud din Attar, Persian mystical poet who blessed young Geraldine. After a pilgrimage to Mecca an journeys through the Middle East about the United family reached Anatolia bracket room hence the surname Rumi. A region that enjoyed peace and prosperity under the rule of the Turkish Seljuk dynasty. After a short stay at Karaman where Rumi's mother died and his first son was born they were called to the capital Konya in 1228. Here his father Walad, taught at one of the numerous madrasas religious schools are Prestatyn 1231 he was succeeded in this capacity by his son

His father was the leader of a madrassa (religious school) and his mother was an educated woman who taught Rumi to read while he was still young.

From an early age, Rumi showed interest in learning about nature and God; his father encouraged him by teaching him how to meditate on these subjects as well as how to recite poetry from memory.

Maulana Rumi's father was a Sufi mystic who taught his son about nature and God.

Maulana Rumi, sufi mystic poet learned about Nature and God at young age
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Rumi's father was a Sufi mystic who taught his son about nature and God. He also taught him about the world around him, spirituality and the power of love.

As a child, Rumi learned Arabic, history and poetry from his father.

Maulana Rumi, mystic sufi poet learned Arabic, history and Poetry
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As a child, Rumi learned Arabic, history and poetry from his father. He also studied the Qur'an in great detail. As he grew older he read the works of many great Sufis including Jelaluddin Rumi and Yunus Emre (the Turkish national poet).

Rumi's mother died when he was only six years old so his father began to teach him about Islam at home instead of sending him outside to play with other children like most fathers would do at this age.

He was deeply influenced by the Sufi poets Abu'l Qasim Jilani and Amir Khusraw.

Persian miniature art and Poetry. Turkish folk art
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Rumi was deeply influenced by the Sufi poets Abu'l Qasim Jilani and Amir Khusraw. He wrote in his book of poetry, "The Masnavi", that he was inspired by their works to write poetry himself . He also studied the Qur'an and was an expert in the sciences of religion. When he was about forty years old, Maulana Rumi, the Sufi Mystic Poet met a dervish named Shams-e Tabrizi who had just returned from pilgrimage to Mecca. Shams told him that he had seen his face in a dream before meeting him for real. Shams said that Rumi was his soul mate, and he became Rumi's closest companion. They shared the same ideas about Sufism and were often seen together in public.

However, Shams disappeared after a few years of friendship, leaving Rumi heartbroken. He wrote many poems about their relationship and even included stories from their time together in his book of poetry, "The Masnavi". Rumi and Shams became inseparable. They spent a lot of time together, talking about religion, poetry and philosophy. Their relationship was so close that Rumi’s family began to worry that their son was being influenced by someone they didn't know well. Shams was a dervish and a mystic, who believed that he had been sent by God to help Rumi. He told Rumi that they were both manifestations of Allah's love and the same soul. Shams became Rumi's spiritual guide and friend, and the two were inseparable for six years. Shams disappeared in 1244, shortly before the birth of Rumi's son Sultan Veled (also known as "Sultan Walad"). Shams became Rumi's spiritual mentor and together they traveled to Damascus and Jerusalem. On their return, they settled in Konya where they founded the Mawlawi Order of Sufism.

Rumi's father was a religious scholar who taught Rumi about Islam and its traditions. This helped shape Rumi's understanding of spirituality and faith at an early age, which would blossom into a lifelong passion for him.

In 1231, Jelaluddin enrolled at the University of Konya. He studied there for twelve years before leaving to pursue a career in politics as a judge and scholar at various courts across Anatolia.

It is said that Rumi could not shake off his fascination with the mystical life at the age of 12 when he was sent to study the Qur'an at school in Konya.

It is said that Rumi could not shake off his fascination with the mystical life at the age of 12 when he was sent to study the Qur'an at school in Konya. His teacher, who was also a sufi, taught him what he knew about Sufism and how it should be practiced.

Rumi later went on to study theology with one of his teachers called Jakob Bursuw (Jalāl al-Dīn). It was here that he learned how to interpret scripture through poetry or metrical composition. He also studied philosophy but did not like it much because his mind was too analytical rather than speculative by nature. His approach to this subject matter is reflected in one of his most famous poems: "The Madman."

There he learned classical Persian poetry and studied under an enlightened teacher named Shams of Tabriz who had just arrived in Konya after studying Sufi philosophy in Damascus and Egypt.

Shams of Tabriz Damascus
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Shams of Tabriz was a Sufi master, Persian mystic and scholar of Sufism. He had studied in Damascus and Egypt.

Sufism is an Islamic doctrine that emphasizes personal devotion to God through meditation, self-discipline and asceticism . It is a mystical approach to Islam that emphasizes intuitive knowledge of God.

Sufism is based on the belief that every human being has a “rational soul” which can be developed in order to perceive the divine. . Sufism is also a form of Islamic mysticism. Sufis believe that they are following the example of the Prophet Muhammad p b u h and his followers.

. Because it is considered to be an inner path, Sufis have always been persecuted by orthodox Muslims who believe they have strayed from the true teachings of Islam's prophet Muhammad.

Rumi later accepted celibacy as his calling

Sema dance Maulana Rumi sufi mystic poet of 13th century
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Rumi eventually married, but later accepted celibacy as his calling.

Rumi was a Sufi poet, philosopher and theologian. He is generally considered to be the greatest mystical poet in Persian literature. Rumi's influence transcends national borders and ethnicities: Iranians, Tajiks, Turks, Greeks, Pashtuns and other Muslims as well as non-Muslims appreciate his spiritual legacy for both Islamic and Christian audiences; this has made Rumi one of the most popular poets in America today.

Maulana Rumi sufi mystic  poetry. You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.
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Rumi is one of the most beloved poets in the world. His work has been translated into more than 40 languages, and his poetry continues to inspire readers today. Rumi believed that God could be found within every person and created a new way of understanding Islam through Sufi mysticism.

Love is the bridge between you and everything. Maulana Rumi Poetry on Love
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Vintage Calligraphy Art. Turkish Calligraphy
Calligraphy Art in Sulus script.
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